Right now, we can all agree that we are going through significant changes in our day to day lives. While those changes are different for each of us at the very least 2020 appears to be nothing like we thought it would be. With those changes naturally comes stress. Your team members may have had a spouse lose a job, have had to find alternate daycare, or potentially have a loved one sickened by the current pandemic.

Employee assistance programs can provide valuable relief to employees when they are struggling with coping with the stress of many of these issues. An EAP program is designed to help members of your team with crisis intervention services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When someone contacts the EAP provider they should expect professional staff able to determine the level of need, and care required, to provide real help to an employee. Some care may be immediate, or it can be scheduled with an internal or external provider in the geographic area of the employee.

When EAP’s are properly in place and working as intended, not only do you have a more relaxed workforce, but also a less costly one. Human Resources technology company Marneau Shapell has found for every dollar spent in the implementation of an EAP program the employer can expect a return of over 8 dollars in reduced absenteeism and increased productivity. This is backed up with additional data provided by the EASNA (the trade association for employee assistance programs) which sites study after study showing the savings generated from having a functioning program in place.

When EAP’s are working as they should the returns on investment are extremely positive.

The role of the Human Resources department in managing the EAP provider or program is simple. Make sure your employees know the program is there for them and that the provider is able to service the needs of your employees. While EAP programs are extremely valuable and provide needed services, employees often do not know the program exists or are hesitant to use it.

A frequent communication strategy to remind employees of the program and understanding that participation is kept confidential from the employer is essential to the program’s success.

Further, HR should also be taking the lead in making sure you have an effective EAP program in place that meets the needs of your employees. As this business grows the services offered within the EAP can vary widely. Make certain you have the best fit for your organization.

Would you like to learn more? Benefit Intelligence can help!

Here at BI, we have decades of experience managing EAP’s for our clients and our business as well. We can help devise the right communication strategy and pair it with an industry-leading EAP program perfect for the unique needs of your company. Reach out to us today to schedule a time to connect with us at: hr@benefitintelligence.com