News, Media, & Development
Making benefits and insurance a little more easy to understand and navigate whether you are an employer or an employee.

Supreme Court Strikes Down OSHA’s Vaccine ETS: An Employer’s Six-Step Priority List
Jan. 14, 2022 By, Fisher Phillips, UBA Compliance Advisors Read time: 5 minutes The Supreme Court just blocked the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) vaccine Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) from being enforced for the foreseeable future,...

Vaccinations are starting to be more accessible to employees, but now what?
By, Alexis Sanchez, MBA, PHR Employers and Vaccinations- What You Should Know: With the ever-changing and evolving information being brought forth from many agencies, here is a quick recap on vaccinations in the workforce provided by the EEOC and helpful discovery...

Jennifer Pigeon’s Thoughts of the Week – Honesty is the Best Policy
By, Jennifer Pigeon – Benefit Intelligence Strategic Benefit Advisor Last year made it possible for people in general to question their Employers and their stated mission and values and how it affects their employees day-to-day. We all had time to evaluate and...

ACA Compliance Overview – Pay or Play Penalty—Special Rules for Educational Organizations
By, Jennifer Pigeon – Benefit Intelligence Strategic Benefit Advisor The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires applicable large employers (ALEs) to offer affordable, minimum value health coverage to their full-time employees or possibly pay a penalty. This employer...

IRS Issues Guidance on American Rescue Plan’s COBRA Subsidy
By, Jennifer Pigeon - Benefit Intelligence Strategic Benefit Advisor On May 18, 2021, the IRS issued Notice 2021-31, a guidance document on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) subsidy for continuation health coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget...

How do you retain and attract talent?
By, Alexis Sanchez, MBA, PHR The workforce is changing as we know it and some are ready while others are still trying to grasp the new normal. While some employers may resist and wait for the pandemic to be over to make a change, others are embracing the change and...

Tips for Living with Allergies
By, Erick Fountain Marketing Support, Benefit Intelligence I thought one of the benefits of living in Arizona would be no more sneezing fits or itchy and watery eyes that come with seasonal allergies. Little did I know, Arizona has a year-round growing season, meaning...

How to Get a Good Night’s Rest
By, Erick Fountain Marketing Support, Benefit Intelligence Sleep is vital to your health and wellness because it is a time when your brain and body engage in vital growth and repair. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to function as a healthy human being without...

New Arizona Law Expands Telehealth
By Erick Fountain Marketing Support, Benefit Intelligence Governor Doug Ducey signed a bill into law, HB 2454, on Wednesday expanding access to telehealth and making telemedicine services provided to Arizonans through the Governor’s Executive Order last March...

Family Fitness
By, Erick Fountain Marketing Support, Benefit Intelligence May is National Family Wellness Month, a month to focus on each other’s health and well-being by being active together after a cold winter. With the weather warming up and school coming to an end, it is the...
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We can help with your questions about benefits and insurance solutions.
4862 E. Baseline Road
Suite 101
Mesa, AZ 85206